Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Nonstop Week of Fun and Stimulation

Chris was on vacation all this week and between the stuff he wanted to do and family get togethers for the 4th of July holiday, our week was jam packed.

Day 1-2 Rocky Mountain National Forest. Saw so many stars in the sky. I was awestruck.
Day 3- Belated Fathers Day Daddy Date - Took Him to see Mr. Poppers Penguins
Day 4 - Dinner with Chris's Family- All cooked together and played with my adorable niece
Day 5 - Renaissance Festival with Chris and Reba (Chris's Mom) - Really fun! Saw the Puke and Snot show and loved it)

For the remaining two days we are supposed to go to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival today and then double picnics (one with my family, one with his family) but I think we are both basically out of steam. Socializing and nonstop events are fun but really exhausting!) I think we might need to throw in the towel and try to bow out for the whats left of this week. Anyways happy 4th! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! =)

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