Friday, March 12, 2010

My Upcoming Project...

So I am almost done with the embroidered necklace (which I will show pics of soon) So it is time to find another project. I saw these arm warmers from the Chanel Fall 09 collection a while ago on and really they are just so awesome!! I'm not sure if they even sold these or they were just accessories for the runway show but they are so cool. I'll start to figure out how to make them soon and if I am successful maybe I can make a tutorial!! =)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Long, Long time!

Ah, It's been a loooong time since I have updated but I promise I am going to start being better!!! Not a ton has been going on BUT I started playing Final Fantasy 13 yesterday and wow 3 discs and the most amazing graphics I have ever seen on a video game! The fighting parts look like the cutscenes, its just amazing and we don't even have an HD television. I wonder what the game would look like in all it's HD glory...sigh... anyways here is the trailer again if you were thinking about getting it trust me it is worth the splurge =)