Friday, November 6, 2009

And so the journey begins...

So I have always wanted a blog but could never figure out what I wanted to write about. My interests are so varied and always changing that I figured I could never stay on a single subject long enough to blog about it. This morning though I woke up and for some reason felt this inspiration to completely start my blog over and what I wanted to write about finally came to me! My obsessions come and go but my goal has always remained the same. I want to learn everything! My ultimate goal in life is if I see a pretty dress on a website I can make it, if I feel a craving for a sachertorte I can whip one up, if I am watching a foreign movie I can understand what they are saying and so on... So from this moment on this blog is going to be about my quest to live a self sufficient life! From making new things for my etsy shops to tutorials on how to grow vegetables hydroponically (once I figure that out) this blog will be for anyone who wants to learn to do it themselves. =)

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