Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cookie Failure...

    Ok so it was more sort of a semi failure and they definitly don't look pretty... Yesterday for some reason I just kept thinking about black and white cookies. I used to get them as a kid at Peaberry Coffee until Starbucks took them over. Peaberry actually still has a couple locations open but sadly I no longer live near one. Anyways so I just had this huge craving for one of those delicious cake cookies from my past and decided yesterday at 11pm that I would bake my own!

      I scoured the net looking for a good recipe and came across this one from epicurious and really the cookie part was fantastic, it was just the icing that killed it. To me it tasted really powdery and overwelming. I thought that the lemon would make it refreshing but it just made the powdery taste even worse. Chris tried it though and thought it was good and the reviews on this recipe were pretty positive but maybe I just have in my head what the icing should taste like. It also dried kind of transparent which doesn't make for a pretty cookie either (not that my oddly shaped cookies would have been beautiful in the first place) I will try this cookie recipe again though and try to find a different icing recipe and post the results another time =)

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